About Us

the Caradoc way

The way I go about my business is heavily influenced by my father Neville Penny.  Sadly, he passed away in 2020 but his incredible work ethic and attitude towards everything he did has definitely influenced me and made me aspire to emulate him.

1936 – 2020

He was a hard-working practical man that would just get in and get a job done. Not one to make a fuss he would never ask someone to do something he wasn’t prepared to do himself. His values have largely become the rules I live by:

  • Don’t be afraid to work hard
  • If you are going to do something, do it well
  • If you say you will, then make sure you do
  • If you screw up, you own up

By any measure of success as I see it, if I can have half the character and dignity that he had, I can be proud to call myself his son.

Nigel Penny

Director of Caradoc

Introducing Nigel Penny:

Nigel, pictured here, is the driving force behind Caradoc Solutions. Nigel has been working in the construction industry for 35+ years. In addition to being an electrician, Nigel is an experienced builder and project manager.

Nigel really enjoys the diverse array of projects that Caradoc gets involved with and is very focused on customer satisfaction whether is is a house renovation or a simple driveway clean